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Neuse River East Parallel Interceptor

The Neuse River Parallel Interceptor project involved the construction of a new pipeline parallel to the existing 72” interceptors. The project involved the installation of 19,500 linear feet of 96” fiberglass-reinforced pipe gravity sewer, 5,200 linear feet of 84” fiberglass-reinforced pipe, 1,300 linear feet of 72” fiberglass-reinforced pipe, 340 linear feet of fiberglass-reinforced pipe, and 70 polymer precast structures, all at depths ranging from 25’ to 35’.

The project involved several specialty items, including two open-cut crossings of the Neuse River, construction of a 50’ deep cast-in-place stainless steel vortex drop, two 30’ deep cast-in-place diversion structures, abatement of a pre-regulatory landfill, abandonment of two major pump stations, installation of 326’ of 120” diameter bore and jacks, construction of several long-distance access roads, and a major overflow cascade into the Neuse River.

Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS

Project Details

  • Client: Raleigh Water
  • Location: Raleigh, NC
  • Cost: $78,813,545