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East Neuse Regional Pump Station and Force Main

The East Neuse Regional Pump Station and Force Main project involved the construction of a new pump station and associated pipelines for Raleigh Water. Park Construction of NC was subcontracted by T. A. Loving Company to handle the pipeline installation, contributing to the successful completion of this important project.

The project involved the successful installation of over 1,000 linear feet of dual 72” fiberglass reinforced pipe gravity sewer, 3,160 linear feet of 90” fiberglass reinforced pipe gravity sewer, and 2,200 linear feet of 48” fiberglass reinforced pipe gravity sewer, all at depths ranging from 12’ to 42’. In addition, the scope included the installation of 1,625 linear feet of 48” PVC force main, 1,600 linear feet of 24” DIP reclaimed water line, 1,050 linear feet of 8” DIP reclaimed water line, and 2,650 linear feet of 6” potable water line.

The project also involved several specialty items, including an open-cut crossing of the Neuse River, polymer concrete precast junction boxes – two of which were custom five-sided boxes - and an electrical duct bank constructed between the dual 72” gravity sewer lines. Park Construction successfully completed the project well ahead of the contractual substantial completion date and under budget.

Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS
Ridge Runner PCS

Project Details

  • Client: Raleigh Water
  • Location: Raleigh, NC
  • Cost: $20,643,503